Wednesday, 17 July 2013

#Awkward #Weird #Stupid #Mindblowing *but true* #Issue1

               I welcome you to the first edition of #Awkward, #Weird, #Stupid, #Mindblowing *but true*
Here various situations and happenings that have occurred during the past one week and

No.1 on my list is........

AWKA– THE Anambra State Independent Electoral Commission, ANSIEC, said it discovered polling booths in some shrines and forests in the state. #Proof

#Awkward #Weird               
Koreans Air crash [Reason here]
Korean Air had more plane crashes than almost any other airline in the world for a period at the end of the 1990s. When we think of airline crashes, we think, oh, they must have had old planes. They must have had badly trained pilots. No. What they were struggling with was a cultural legacy, that Korean culture is hierarchical. You are obliged to be deferential toward your elders and superiors in a way that would be unimaginable in the U.S.    #Proof {More}

#MINDblowing  #Photo
This photo explains that you tend to die as result of your doctor than a gun shot!

She was shot in the head, but wants to shoot her opponents with ; One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution.”
Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot in the head by the Taliban for her advocacy of education rights, marked her 16th birthday seeking support for her cause at United Nations headquarters.


*but true*

Whistle blower is back again
Edward Snowden  is back on our headlines again, causing the plane of  Bolivian President to be stopped and searched, not for license and registration, but for Snowden! Now it’s about where is he going to hide? His last location was in China and he escaped to Russia, and Pres. Obama has been aggravated at the fact that the Chinese let him go, and this what they have to say......
  "China said Hong Kong - which allowed Mr Snowden to leave for Russia - had acted in accordance with the territory's law." #Proof

At the moment he's afraid of the U.S snatching him, as he seeks where he would hide out, from what we see he has more to release about the U.S, because Russia has promised to keep him, if only he promises not to release more information about the U.S.

#Awkward #Weird  #Stupid #Mindblowing  *but true*

We are not taken seriously, ASUU went on strike in less than a week, attention was paid to them, but when ASUP went on strike for about 3 months………..  All this and more a polytechnic student of   Yaba Technical College shared with Hashtagdzpm, during their protest.

 In this photo, he was pissed with the T.V reporter of   TVC,  asking him, why did the news station stop talking about the strike of the Polytechnic Lecturers. WHY!
Well the strike is over, but will equality between, Polytechnic and University graduates be achieved in the job market?!

#Awkward #Weird  #Stupid

#TFB [Teenage Fashion Blogger] @Kinfe_  was asked to comment about this collection she said, her comment should be posted as "??" #Proof

#Awkward  146 goals impossible but true.

“This is a national disgrace of the highest proportion. We are number one in Africa and we are held highly all over the soccer world. Why should we stoop so low? Were they playing basketball or football?” Chief Mike Umeh, First Vice President of the Nigeria Football Federation and a member of NFF Disciplinary and  Organising Committee asked, in a chat with Sports Vanguard.

#Stupid.  Rivers' State of Assembly Royal Rumble Quest! 

This was a wrestling competition where the major fighters were of the age 40 and above, where they tag teamed with rookies (tugs). Their coaches Gov. Amaechi of Rivers state and President Jonathan of Nigeria, both coaches did well by coaching their players from afar but there was something wrong with the Amaechi  team as he had to intervene because his  fighters were badly beaten by the Jonathan team.

But the big question I ask myself is this, did Gov. Amaechi declare his Presidential aspirations too early or just in time, because of the numerous troubles the Jonathan Team is giving him, or he has some kind of backup plan, a joker at his back pocket or a trick off his sleeves that will give Jonathan a run for his tugs.

#Weird .

Ticks are known to attack soft skinned animals, but a snake attacked by ticks?!

A Parent called the Principal of the High School her Child attends "Good morning, can my child come to school without his uniform, we were robbed by thieves and they took his uniform! "
As I entered a tricycle [Keke Maura], the rider saw a lady pass by, with foul words he said “they would have slept with this girl so much, she's not as fine as before”. And I asked “all the guys that slept with her, remained handsome than ever right?!”.  He claims  that a man has 9 bones while the woman 7 (ribs). Well I kept on telling him we're all the same.

Hey feel free to rate, each happenings which was the #Weirdest, most #Awkward, #Stupid, #Mindblowing, or *but true* event here
See you same time next week……

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Yaba Tech Protest freedom park #LIVE

We are here live at the Gain Fawehimi freedom park!

Yaba Tech Protest

Polytechnic protest

The students of the polytechnic school in Lagos "Yaba  technical college" "yaba tech"
Are protesting over the fact that the government has refused to see them as important compared to the university association "ASUU", which has being on strike for less than a week and its all over the NEWS while the polytechnic association has been on strike for 2 months and nothing has being done
I'm in the middle of the protest here are some pictures.
Video upload is taking forever! Naija ego better