Why are we here?
What is it that we are meant to do on earth? What is our life’s PURPOSE?
These are questions that have besotted man from the very beginning of time. What do we live for? Many have sought to answer these questions. Songs have been written, books published, plays plotted, pictures painted, but yet the answer eludes many.
Purpose is defined as the reason for which something or someone is made. The reason for which we exist, and the reason for which we have life.
Firstly, to really understand why we are on earth, we must first believe that we were created by God and designed according to His plan. “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you:” Jer 1:5A
If that is true then what does the manual of our life say about these plans? “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, He had designed us for glorious living, a part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone.” Ephesians 1: 11-12
This can only mean one thing; to discover purpose we must discover Christ! He holds all the answers, and He alone can reveal it. Now, it is not enough to be born-again, we must have a desire to want to know and want to be different. Do not misinterpret what I say, being born-again is not only crucial, it is the very beginning of Life itself. What I mean is this; AFTER you are born-again, it doesn’t stop there, NO! You must now actively seek Christ and His exquisite plan for your life in Him. “Seek God while He’s here to be found, pray to Him while He’s close at hand.” Isa 55:6
How do we seek Christ you may ask? I have a few things that would set you on the path, but at the end, the true path to discovering purpose can only be unearthed by you and you alone.
Ok here we go:
Love God and Obey his
commandments Mark 12:30
Love your Neighbors as yourself Luke
Pray for your enemies Mat
Commit ALL your ways to the
Lord Pro
Study the word actively and
dedicatedly Joshua 1:8
Pray 1Th
Please note that this does not necessarily bring you into purpose for your life, but it would definitely get you closer. You must ask and add to the following precepts your own unique markers and precepts.
My Father once
said, Purpose is the tool that keeps a
man from insanity even as the world
around him tumbles and collapses.
Do have yourself
a lovely week ahead
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