Saturday, 15 June 2013

Miss Nigeria is Chinese #Gbam #Rainbownation

With a country heavily with populated with black people for a long time, could this be possible?
Everybody deserves the right to do and be whatever they want, after they have lived in a certain place for a very long time, and by law they are citizens. 

Yityish "Titi" Aynaw, is a born Ethiopian girl but she's going to Miss world representing Israel, first black girl to be Miss Israel! 

Forgetting slavery, like America can we have a white President?

1 comment:

  1. You have answered your question yourself in your opening lines. As long as you are legelly living in any country and your birth place meets with the laws of the land, I see no reason why you cannot represent your country in any capacity. In USA you must be born in USA or to USA parentage to stand as presidential candidate. Hence Barak Obama could and Arnold Swarchenegger could not. Colour did not play any part. So depending on the laws of citizenship and other eligibity laws about Nigerian presidential candidacy, I don't see any reason why a white/pink/green/brown person can not become president in Nigeria. President Rollins of Ghana had a Scotish father.
