How was the Easter break hope it was fun like mine [I had a
blast]! Or was it a time to attend to different matters you have s never had
time for and ended up been tiring well!
Welcome back to the
hustle and bustle of life… and as we return to our daily activities there’s one
thing I noticed!
What would our
existence without the great country America be like…………
No Columbus to create America….. we would have pure red
Indians as Americans, No democracy!!!! No Fashion!! no twitter or facebook, no ipads no
iphones and ipods [that lead to creation of the Samsung Galaxy!]……, and let’s not talk
about the remarkable movies……… and the list goes on
Drop your #IfAmericaNeverexisted post
in the comment box and let’s see if life would really be all that without
America………… [thinking of no twitter is beginning to feel unthinkable……….]
#ifamericaneverexisted we wouldn't have internet
ReplyDelete#ifamericaneverexisted we wouldn't have internet
ReplyDelete#IfAmericaNeverExisted there would be no American Football (no SuperBowl), no baseball (no WorldSeries), no NBA can't imagine what woulda become of Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan & LeBron James without 'Uncle Sam'.....
ReplyDelete#IfAmericaNeverExisted there would be no #Hiroshima&Nagazaki atomic bomb disaster....Obama would be some Kenyan with big
#IfAmericaNeverExisted there would be no Rap music...
#IfAmericaNeverExisted No Al Qaeda Nobody to hate on! no suicide bombings!!